How To Throw The Best Wedding Ever
As much as your wedding is “your day” its also about the people that you choose to share it with. I’ve been to a lot of weddings, A LOT. Some epic, some emotional and a couple of snoozefests. I think everyone wants their guests to have an amazing time. Here’s my hot tips on how to throw one hell of a shaker, one that your friends will still be talking about at your tenth anniversary.

There’s nothing worse than a long drawn out ceremony where everyone is restless and uncomfortable. Keep your ceremony short and your guests entertained by getting them involved. I’ve been to a few ceremonies where they do a “Ring Warming” which is really special. Basically you circulate the rings throughout your guests and everyone has a chance to hold them for a second and pass along some good vibes. I also think its really special when the officiant talks to the audience and asks everyone to give a shout or say I Do if they vow to support the couple and their marriage. If you can find ways to reflect your personalities and your own words in your ceremony and vows then I promise that all of your guests will be on the edge of their seats.

If you’re planning an outdoor wedding then its super important to make sure that your guests come prepared. As we all know, Alberta weather can turn on a dime. Keep a close eye on the forecast and if its looking like a hot day make sure that you have shade and refreshments on hand. If its looking like things might be chilly its definitely a good idea to have blankets and umbrellas. Its also a great idea to utilize your wedding website or invitation to let everyone know what to wear and what to bring. You don’t want your cousin having to walk through the mud in her new pair of stilettos. You should also plan transportation for your guests if its outside the city. Make sure everyone knows their options for getting home or back to their hotel so that there’s no chance of anyone drinking and driving.

If you’re including little ones or elderly guests in your wedding then its important to take them into consideration while planning. Being at a wedding all day can be pretty overwhelming for a little person. Think about having a designated area for them to take a breather if they start to burn out. Also, having an activity like crayons or stickers at the table will keep them entertained and quiet during speeches. Making sure that they’re fed first at dinner will also keep them happy. If your grandparents or elderly relatives will be a part of your day planning ahead will make things a little bit easier for them as well. Make sure to have reserved seating for them during the ceremony as well as shade or a blanket. If they will be in your photos make sure that your photographer is aware and they will do those photos first. The music can be pretty loud during the party and unless Granny is planning to be on the d floor all night she’ll need a quiet place to sit, chill and visit with everyone.

Rent some lawn games, have an interactive guest book, have some live music during cocktail hour. These are all ways to keep your guests entertained and to set your wedding apart from everyone else’s. One of my couples last season had an ice luge and it was pretty much the best thing ever. Nothing is off limits. Create a fun, interactive experience for your guests.

I’m sure this isn’t news to anyone but people really like to drink at weddings. I’ve been a guest at a wedding that only had one bartender and it was anarchy. Have pretty drinks, have a lot of them and everything else will work out. Besides, how else are you going to have epic stories to tell or years after? Like the time the bride’s sister had an adult sleepover with a groomsman and then had to do the walk of shame into family brunch the next morning still wearing her party dress. (Spoiler alert, it may have been my sister). Don’t forget to include some festive non-alcoholic options for your guests that are pregnant or don’t drink.

I’m sure you’ve been to a wedding that you were last to the buffet and absolutely starving, so have I. Make sure the food is amazing and that there’s a lot of it. You don’t have to break the bank or get super formal to have an amazing meal. The best wedding food I’ve ever eaten was from a food truck, which was really fun and interactive. Shout out to Farm Girls Food! Bread on the table will go a long way (and also soak up the 10 glasses of pinot that your aunt drank at cocktail hour).

You don’t need to ask every person in your bridal party to give a speech and trust me, your guests don’t want you to. There’s nothing worse than having an amazing dinner and catching a sweet buzz at the bar and then having to sit through two hours of speeches. Its perfectly acceptable to be a bridezilla and set firm time limits for all of your speakers. Your parents will 100% talk for twice as long as you tell them to so the fewer speeches the better. If you’re worried about the best man going rogue and serving up a nasty roast then you don’t have to include him in speeches. If your sister is terrified of speaking and will spend the whole day stressing about it then you don’t have to ask her to speak. Here’s my formula to a great speech - Hit them with an opening joke (PG 13 that everyone will understand), tell a short sentimental story (the more tears the better), toast the couple and their future, compliment the bride and wrap with a joke. MIC DROP!

get that d-floor poppin
I feel like I could write a whole blog post on wedding music but I’ll try and keep it short. Music at weddings is SO important! Nothing kills the party faster than bad music. If you’re planning to have your friend play their ipod for the party, I highly recommend reconsidering. Also your best friend’s little brother might have a sick turntable but that does not mean you should trust him to dj your wedding. Wedding dj’s are trained professionals and know exactly how to get things turnt up. There’s a very specific wedding music formula. You have to play the classic sing-alongs and parent friendly jams first to get everyone out on the floor. If you come in hot with that heavy bass too early in the night you’ll lose everyone and its impossible to get them back. Local DJ are my favourite wedding dj’s and always guarantee an epic dance party.

spend time with your guests
Ok folks you heard it here first, the number one hot tip for having the best wedding ever - spend time with your guests!! Every single person at your wedding is there for you. They bought a new outfits, did their hair and hired babysitters to come to your wedding so you need to try and spend as much time with them as possible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about being able to carve out a few moments with each of your guests then you have probably invited too may people. Plan your timeline around cocktail hour so that you can be there to enjoy it with your nearest and dearest. Make an effort to walk around to every table after dinner and thank everyone for coming. The only regret that I have from my own wedding is that I didn’t have enough time to chat with all of my guests, some of whom travelled a long way to be there with us. If I could do it over I’d definitely shave off a couple B listers so that I had more time to spend with the VIPs.